Wednesday, March 17, 2010

U.T.I. 7"

Under the mutha fuckin' Influence. Here's the 7" that was put out on the waaay obscure Rasputin Records. As this blog continues, I'd love to have a more in depth history of this band. All I really have are my own experiences of playing parties in other bands with them, and of course getting fucked up with 'em throughout the years. The line up was by no means consistent, with Jimmy Rosenbaum being the crux of the  thing. The line up on this single were:

Jim: Vox
Nick: Drums
Tots: Bass
Mike: Guitar

I got lotsa vague memories after over 25 years. The Rosenbaum Ranch, Swallow's Day parties, Playing Bars in Rosarito in my band,  Bored To Death, "opening" for UTI...ha! "Opening"... a whole contingent of SJP's showing up in Mex, for the gigs. Good times!

Oh yeah... don't let me forget to mention the obvious - the name of this blog is a kick-ass UTI tune, and the picture for the blog is UTI as well. Duh!

If anyone wants to contribute stories, either post up in the comments or send 'em to me to put up as a regular entry. Love the fuckin' war stories man....send 'em to me:
glen [dot] manola [at] gmail [dot] com


  1. heh...I had a copy of this - mine was signed by Mike (Dogg) with a poem:

    "Roses are red,
    helmets are blue,
    (something something something)
    up the butt for you!"

    I sold it for a few bucks to Vinyl Solution, when I was getting rid of all my records, and Ron Collins ended up buying it a while later.

    So, he has the signed copy - ask him to scan and send the poem to you to post.

    Scott G

  2. i wasn't born when UTI was active, but shit i might as well shoulda been with all the stories, pictures and even some videos ive seen when i was like 10 of them in oceanside with power assault. although, jim did used to kinda babysit me here and there before he passed. my last memories with him was him akwardly trying to entertain me when i got bored with him when i was like... 6? 7? haha.
